SnowStorm is a Javascript-driven snow effect that can be easily implemented into web pages.
It has been designed to be easy to use. A single Javascript file provides the functionality required; the only other files needed are the images of snowflakes themselves.
See this basic example for reference.
SnowStorm works under most of the current major browsers (IE 5.x+, Netscape 6+). Testing has been limited to those browsers on PC/Mac. If you are seeing snow as you read this, then the script is working as expected.
Thanks to the PNG format and a "wrapper" class written to support it, the benefits of alpha transparency can be seen on most browsers with this implementation. IE requires the use of a proprietary DXFilter to properly display PNG images with alpha transparency, but this is handled "automagically" by the PNG wrapper class.
The snow script relies on a PNG handler class to add PNG functionality where applicable. Support for PNG can be removed easily enough also, if desired. Slower machines on IE:win32 may notice slightly improved performance when using GIF over PNG, but this has not been thoroughly tested.
One Javascript reference is required. Aside from customization and images, that's it.
<script type="text/javascript" src="script/snowstorm.js"></script>
This file is viewable under the script directory.
The script looks for snow images under ./image/snow/ by default as shown below. If desired, this can be changed in the user-configurable section.
./ + image/ + snow/ 0.png 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 0.gif 1.gif 2.gif 3.gif 4.gif 5.gif none.gif + script/ snowstorm.js
SnowStorm can be fairly easily customized; some of the major properties are listed below.
disables all PNG usage and uses GIFs - may run slightly faster on older systems.imagePath
(note the trailing slash - important)flakeTypes
will use images ranging from 0.png
(or .gif) to 4.png
ZIP file, includes this demo page and source code.
Comments, suggestions, questions, criticism?
(Note: This address might look funny with javascript disabled, but is still valid.)