35mm Photo Viewer V5: Beta
All-purpose. Well, sort of.
There might be only one way to look at photos, but there are an infinite number of ways to organize and present them.
This viewer presents a funky interface which helps to group photos into more manageable collections, and is written almost entirely in client-side code. It is freely available for personal and/or non-commercial use.
This web-based app has been developed and tested under IE 5.0, 5.5 and 6, Netscape 7, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. There are currently some severe (but presumably fixable) bugs under the IE on the Mac.
A Brief History
The viewer originated from the personal need for a web-based "thing to display photos," and grew to accommodate an increasing number of photos spanning across multiple collections as time passed.
Some people showed interest in the idea of getting a copy for themselves, so it made sense to add more features, user-configurable options and - heaven forbid - documentation of some sort.
Ease of Use?
Theoretically, adding photos should be fairly easy. The included HTML template is a series of unordered lists, leaving the markup clean and hopefully efficient. Each collection is an unordered list enclosed in a simple DIV container. Altogether this container encloses a header (title), the unordered list of photo items and a clearing footer element. And that's all she (rather, I,) wrote.